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ISF-5 Filing Instructions 

1. Booking Party - Enter name & address of the Foreign Importer who initiated the reservation of the cargo space for the shipment. The Customs Assigned Number is also required for the Foreign Importer as the Tax ID Number to U.S. Customs to indentify the Importer of Record.

2. Ship to Party: Enter the first deliver to party scheduled to physically receive the goods after release from Customs Custody. 

3. Foreign Port of Unlading: Enter the city and country where the goods are first unloaded or discharged from the vessel from the foreign country.

4. Place of Delivery: Enter the city and country for the foreign place of delivery where the carrier's responsibilty for the transport of the goods terminates.

5. COMMODITY HTS Code(s) or Product Description: Enter the 6 digit HS Code. These codes used to define and classify internationally traded goods for Customs purposes. Importer's may use HTS Code Finder to locate code. If HTS Code is unknown, enter detailed product description. Only the first 6 digits is required to U.S. Customs for ISF-5 Filing. 


Product Description: Men's Cotton T-Shirts

HTS Code: 6109.10

Vessel Sailing Information

1. Master Bill of Lading #: Provided by the seller and usually located on ISF info sheet. This number is issued by the Carrier.
Example Format: AMS SCAC Code + Bill Number = OOLU 2593513210 

2. House Bill of Lading #: Provided by the seller and usually located on ISF info sheet. Number is issued by the Freight Forwarder
Example Format: AMS SCAC Code + Bill Number = AMIG L170388843A 

3. Estimated Vessel Departure Date: The departure date of the main mother vessel that will be sailing to the United States. Feeder vessels involved in the trans-shipment of the goods does not apply to the ETD date. 

4. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Country of manufacture, production or growth, based upon the import laws, rules and regulation of the U.S. 

Proofs of ID Required

As the Foreign Importer of Record for your shipment, CBP identifies foreign importers by their Customs Assigned Importer Number, if the entity does not have a U.S. based tax id number such as the EIN or Social Security Number. The foreign importer is required to provide valid proofs of ID listed below in order to obtain a new Customs Assigned Importer Number or to verify the identity of existing importers.

Accepted Proofs of ID

All: Photo ID Required: Drivers License or Passport of the person signing the Power of Attorney.

Additional ID required: For Business - Articles of Organization or Business Proof Issued by State, Province, or Territory Govt.


Customs Assigned Importer Number Service (CAIN)

For foreign entities or individuals which do not posses a valid U.S. Tax ID number such as the EIN or Social Security Number, the Customs Assigned Importer Number will serve as the Tax ID Number for Foreign Importers or entities. Foreign importers who are in need of CAIN, may select "Add Customs Assigned Importer Number Service" on the Live ISF-5 Filing form for us to obtain for you. The CAIN is a one time charge, once this number is issued by U.S. Customs, this number can be used for the life of the importers business activity.  

Example Completed ISF-5 Filing 

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               United States CBP National Permit #17-107

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